
Showing posts from November 16, 2017

Let the sleeping Dog lie...

Isn't that why we suffer a lot, the society is bad,  we know things are not going the right way but we do not want to create more problems so let the sleeping dog lie. Isn't that why our problems grow and they overwhelm us and undermine us because we dare not ask questions, we just let the seeping dog lie. So who will solve the problem? while waiting for somebody to do it, no body does it. It slips our finger, grows so big and out of hand. We let the dog lie. Every body knows it is wrong, everybody knows they are lying, everybody knows we are loosing, we just let the sleeping dog lie So who will do it, who will lead the battle, who will bail the cat. Its quite ironic peolpe need solutions to their problems but see simple, gentle attempt to ask questions as an affront, a confrontation, a show of insubordination to authority. People just want to control, they want to be in charge and do not care who is hurt by what they do. And because we value relationship rather tha...