Fight Powerfully, Albeit Sparingly...

* If you have to stop to fight every opposition on the way, you will never go far. Fighting has been given a bad reputation, but it's not always a bad thing is it? In fact, we are born to fight and equipped to do so. Life is full of oppositions, and the question is, how do we conquer them? The world tells us not to fight, that it's not good, but then it overwhelms us with troubles. So how else are we supposed to survive? Are we supposed to keep trudging through the midst of vicious, dubious, and brutal evil forces that spare us no thought when they come after us? Fighting may not be good, but it helps, delivers, and preserves. The key is to fight sparingly. Not every fight is necessary, as they say, "picking your battles." Fighting can lead to too much devastation if not used in moderation. So, we must fight when there is a need, when not putting up a fight will rob us of our prestige, our pride, our personality, and even our life. We must fight for what is importan...