Pretend your enemy does not exist
Everyone has got an enemy but the worst you can do is let him win. Let you enemy remain your enemy if he chooses to but do not be an enemy back. Focusing on your enemies will sap you of your inert energy and will distract you. Keep your focus on your goals. Your attention is life and anything that has it lives and grows even stronger and anything that lacks your attention lacks life and will in the same way grow weaker and die. Your enemy will fade away naturally when he discovers that you do not belong to the same class with him. Then your huge success must have become obvious to him. Be careful not to reward your enemy with a cheap point by giving him your costly attention. Go on carry on as if he does not even exist for he is not present except in your own imagination. Sometimes that person may even turn around to become your friend. Life is too short to waste on senseless things. You can neither add another person's age to yours nor give yours to him, if your e...