Making money or ...loosing money?
What it takes to make money is the same as what it takes in living our normal life-Offering services or products. What is missing is the Conversion and the Focus. By Conversion I mean, do you recognise that those activities you do can earn you money simply by recognising their values, attaching relevant monetary figures to it and demanding such in return for them. By Focus, I mean, what is the direction of your mindset in terms of the values you dispense. If you give out most of your services or products for free without specific and concrete plan to regain it back, you will surely end up poor. Unfortunately, we live in a culture where people expect you to give everything out for free to every other person. They may forgive you if you are charging others for services rendered but you are in trouble if they are the victim. Its even worst if you are a graduate where they believe you have a better life than themselves even when you don't have a job yet. The non graduate tech...