
Showing posts from October 28, 2017

Mine your scripture

The Scriptures are the breath of God. By breath we mean the inspiration or if you like the motivation infused by God on the people who took part in a an event that has spiritual or eternal significant. God moved them to put down their personal and collective experiences in a documented  or oral format what the authors are direct participants or saw in a dream or revelation or to put down their own understanding which in many respects correlate with accuracy and excellence. In the Christian Bible, the scriptures are the old testament which contains the history, the laws and the prophets. The new testament are not the scriptures, they are the explanations or revelation of the scriptures. In the muslim religion, the Qur'an is the scripture while the hadith is the explanations  of the Qur'an. In the traditional religion, the scriptures are contained in the words and messages from the gods passed down from  one generation to the next. All major religion of the world has...