Mine your scripture

The Scriptures are the breath of God. By breath we mean the inspiration or if you like the motivation infused by God on the people who took part in a an event that has spiritual or eternal significant. God moved them to put down their personal and collective experiences in a documented  or oral format what the authors are direct participants or saw in a dream or revelation or to put down their own understanding which in many respects correlate with accuracy and excellence. In the Christian Bible, the scriptures are the old testament which contains the history, the laws and the prophets. The new testament are not the scriptures, they are the explanations or revelation of the scriptures.

In the muslim religion, the Qur'an is the scripture while the hadith is the explanations  of the Qur'an. In the traditional religion, the scriptures are contained in the words and messages from the gods passed down from  one generation to the next.

All major religion of the world has a scripture which stipulates the foundation of their faith and  religious practices.  Not all religion's scriptures are written down in pen and paper, however all well known religion have them written down not because it is compulsory it must be written down but because it helps to protect it also permeate it.  It is also not compulsory that the scriptures and its explanations are bonded together in one book, many religions also has separate copies of the explanations from the scripture.

However, irrespective of how the scripture is written or bonded, they are written or more exactly said “given“ for a purpose and the purpose is to guild our journey on earth while helping us find God!

The fundamental origin of the scripture is God or whoever the supreme deity of that religion is. That deity is believed to be the origin and the source of man.   It  therefore goes to say that just as the manufacturer  reveals the operations and capacity of his product  in the product manual, so also the maker of life for life has given his creation the scripture to guild them

Baring the presence of certain religion  like the Atheist, who deny the existence of God and morality, virtually every religion believe in the most supreme God who is higher than their own object of worship and who commands sovereignty even by those deity they worship. That supreme being is the fundamental objective of the scripture to point out to man. Every scripture is written by man, man is imperfect therefore every scripture is imperfect. This is the primary reason why you can not study the scriptures without help. The objective of every scripture is to point us to God but because God is one and there are many religions professing or pointing us to different gods, all of them couldn't be correct at the same time. In these confusion, the real God couldn't have stayed aloof while the confusion rages. It means that the answer to the real God is available and traceable. In all these religion, if that being is that supreme, then the thread should cut through all religion to show his supremacy and rule in the affairs of men.

In other not to be tied down by enticing words of man's wisdom, mine your scripture. If you are indeed serious to know your God, every scripture should point you out to him independent and irrespective of your very religion's focus. If some how your spirit is feeling uncomfortable with some of the teachings and doctrines of your professed religion, may be its time for you to think a little more deeply. Go deeper into research and satisfy yourself that you are on the right track to eternity.

And because there are many codes to crack here as there are hundreds of scriptures to search, I I'll like to recommend to you the Christian Bible. It stands out as a book that accurately cracks the code of pointing us to God.


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