
You are the Light and Salt of the earth

The song “We Are The World" performed by USA For Africa in 1985. Was written by highly intuitive and inspirational Micheal Jackson. The words are still as green and as real as in when it was first published. I don't know what words I would have put here that would capture all the messages as it is complete in itself. It is re-published here to draw our attention to the truth that we are here to brighten life and to salt it to taste. Please enjoy it. We Are The World" (performed by USA For Africa) There comes a time when we heed a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying And it's time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all We can't go on pretending day by day That someone somewhere will soon make a change We're all a part of God's great big family And the truth, you know, Love is all we need We are the world, We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So, let's start giving There'

Man - The greatest of God

If I am the best of God then what? Imagine the greatness of God!, see his creation and the universe. It is not the sun, the moon and the stars, not the rain, the thunder and lightening, its not even the air, the clouds nor the natural resources buried under the ground that is the best of God. The best of God suggests among his handiwork, which one he will flaunt as his greatest and proudest creation. Do you now see? He put forth his best experience and expertise to configure man. He invested his most expensive resource - HIS SPIRIT in him. He put everything in subjection to him. With that, he also gave him free will to do his will (man's will) with them Nothing on earth is self sustained, they look to man to tend them. They respect his Lordship over them. God does not force , bend or manipulate man's will ever, he just let him be his best. Man is God's greatest. He lavishes so much love and care on him like no other creation. If God could hold man to such esteem, why then

Just ask

Do you really want it, just ask. Many people just assume that their benefactor should automatically provide them with whatever they desire. They therefore keep mute, waiting for it to fall at their feet. They even get angry with the benefactor for not providing them with solutions even to the point of displaying aggression, hostility or tantrum. Life in itself is unfair. It does not give you back all that you worked for. In fact life does not give to you what you deserve, desire or hope for. Life only, only respond to you on the basis of what you have asked for. And how do you ask? You ask of life by your action, inaction, your omissions, commissions, your attitude and faith. You ask of life by everything you do or fail to do. A wise saying goes “you fail to plan, you plan to fail“. It is a well known law in nature that “what a man sow, he reaps“, reaping where you did not sow will only afford you a piecemeal that will not last. Its not sustainable and can not make you comfortable t

30 minutes before time.

I have this experience whereby I set my clock, the central clock in my house to run 30 minutes before time. That means at every hour in the day my clock would read the time 30 minutes before. It seemed like magic how everything in my life and house seem to have changed to follow suit. For example, if I have to get to office or church at 7:30 am, my clock will be reading 8:00 am. At that time even though I know consciously in my mind what the accurate time says, I find my self making deliberate effort to act as if I am late already. I also discovered that everyone in my home followed suit. That brought us to completely overcome the problem of punctuality and has improved timeliness on all events. 30minutes before time is a concept I created having proved its efficacy. I have also seen families who has applied it and it worked. It may seem delusive to the mind but it will ultimately end up in an advantage to the user. It will help u secure time, put you on your toes and from wa

Wise sayings of King Solomon

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." 👑KING SOLOMON👑 "You can’t start the new chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one." 👑KING SOLOMON👑 "Life is not about people who act true to your face. Its about people who remain true behind your back." 👑KING SOLOMON👑 "Life is too short to stress yourself for people who don’t even deserve to be an issue in your life." 👑KING SOLOMON👑 "It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Everyone, get out there and share your beautiful smile with the world." KING SOLOMON👑 "Life is like a bar of soap, once you think you’ve got a hold of it, it slips away.". 👑KING SOLOMON👑 "If you are brave to say GOOD BYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO." 👑KING SOLOMON👑 "God is the best listener and you don't need to shout, nor cry out loud. Because he hears even the very silent prayer of a sinc