Just ask

Do you really want it, just ask. Many people just assume that their benefactor should automatically provide them with whatever they desire. They therefore keep mute, waiting for it to fall at their feet. They even get angry with the benefactor for not providing them with solutions even to the point of displaying aggression, hostility or tantrum.

Life in itself is unfair. It does not give you back all that you worked for. In fact life does not give to you what you deserve, desire or hope for. Life only, only respond to you on the basis of what you have asked for. And how do you ask? You ask of life by your action, inaction, your omissions, commissions, your attitude and faith. You ask of life by everything you do or fail to do. A wise saying goes “you fail to plan, you plan to fail“. It is a well known law in nature that “what a man sow, he reaps“, reaping where you did not sow will only afford you a piecemeal that will not last. Its not sustainable and can not make you comfortable talk of making you rich or wealthy.

True riches comes only as a direct response to your own call. Everything in life is at your beck and call if you know how. There is an energy in nature that draws your demands to you and that energy is your your demand. Life gives you what you demand and what you demand of it alone.

From elementary Economics, we learn that a demand does not occur until there is a down payment of a value which may be in the form of a legal currency or its equivalent. That law is simply borrowed from natural laws. If you need something, you must be ready to pay for it. Napoleon Hill said “whatever is worth having has a definite price“. And there is no such thing as “free“ in nature. What ever you get you either have paid for it already or will pay for it soon. It is better you pay upfront before than after since you do not know what price might be demanded on you on the later.

The price you pay may be values in the tangible such as in money, and/or physical goods. It may also be intangibles like time, energy, space, name. But most especially life responds to the greatest prices of knowledge, wisdom, faith, determination, sacrifice, etc

“What you are seeking seeks you and what you seek announce your worth“ says Rumi. It is important therefore to know what to seek, how to seek it and where to seek it. Investing your faith, knowledge, wisdom, determination, sacrifice and wisdom on chosen relationships, family, business, religion, or where ever you seek of life. Not focusing on people but on your “definite goals“ will reward you with a new life's Hello. Go ahead, crack the code.


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