Man - The greatest of God

If I am the best of God then what? Imagine the greatness of God!, see his creation and the universe. It is not the sun, the moon and the stars, not the rain, the thunder and lightening, its not even the air, the clouds nor the natural resources buried under the ground that is the best of God.

The best of God suggests among his handiwork, which one he will flaunt as his greatest and proudest creation. Do you now see? He put forth his best experience and expertise to configure man. He invested his most expensive resource - HIS SPIRIT in him. He put everything in subjection to him. With that, he also gave him free will to do his will (man's will) with them

Nothing on earth is self sustained, they look to man to tend them. They respect his Lordship over them. God does not force , bend or manipulate man's will ever, he just let him be his best. Man is God's greatest. He lavishes so much love and care on him like no other creation.

If God could hold man to such esteem, why then should he undermine himsef. Why then does he doubt his power. Why does he deny his status. Why does evil lay so much hold on man. Man is not common, he is not lowly. He is not cheap, he is the greatest creation of the almighty God
Why does he allow fear grip him so much that because of it he defiles the way of God his own very nature. Because of fear and unbelief, he has not assumed his position of dominion over all creation.

Man is created with tremendous abilities, the world has never known him because they have never seen him. None of us has ever used up to 0.01% of the ability God has enabled in us due from his spirit in us which is the image and likeness of God. It confers on us the very abilities of gods.

That is why the just must Iive by faith. Faith is the Iife of the spirit just as blood is the life of the flesh and money is the life of an economy. Without faith man can not live, just exist. Let us therefore develop the faith in us. Only through it that we can connect back to God and tap into the unlimited power he has bestowed on our spirits. Crack that code


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