Slowing down made me faster...

One day I was taking my son to school. My car had broken down and we had to trek to his school. I was almost getting late and I saw my neighbour whom I haven't seen in a long while. That pleasantry took a little longer that I was getting really late. However as soon as I was set to go another parent who was dropping off his daughter in the school just pulled off and picked us. That lift made my journey faster and brought us to the school just in the niche of time. Had it been I did not slow down to greet my friend I would have strolled off in a different route, I would have missed the vehicle and I would have arrived the school late. Now this story might not be the same as yours or might be funny but it intuited me a lesson of value. Sometimes we need to Slow down to arrive on time. How many times has it happened to you that you rushed to do things and you missed it still and when you are gone the thing happened. This is an every day experience for people. As human, sometime...