Do your due deligence

Anything done in a hurry is never ever done well. Any successful story must have gone through thorough, meticulous, painstaking process of thinking and planning, including evaluations before being pronounced as success. Same thing. What ever you do, do your due deligence, where ever you are. Are you a student? Before you choose your course of study in a university, do your due deligence, an Applicant?,  before you choose your job, do your due deligence, a Marriage optimist?,  do your due deligence. Want to go into business or trade?, do your due deligence, don't be casual or loose, don't be careless or mindless, don't be deceived, naive or gullible

Even in our interpersonal relationships,  before you act or condemn, find out. It is not what or how you feel, it is what you know. Excellence is striving to achieve the highest quality both in the process and in the goal. It involves eternal vigiance and careful calculations. It can never be undermined because its result will produce you joy and will save you from heart break.

These days are full of  many ordles of scam and fraudulent activities. People want to cheat or cut corners in other to succeed. You need even to be more alert or be prepared to be sacrificed on the alter of their greed and selfishness. Be careful of the people that run around you, put your mind to work, not every one that call you 'friend' loves you.

You must learn to separate events from persons and learn to call a spade a spade. You must learn to separate the heat from the actual thing and put forth your best foot all the time.

Due deligence suggests that you do not take certain things for granted.  Signs are actually clues. Try not to ignore all of them. follow it, it will lead you somewhere. Due diligence will save you long time of pain, loss and cofussion, it will save you money and time, it will also bring you good will and promotion. So the question is, are you going to apply due deligence?  Ponder a while on this and subsequently do your self a big favour by cracking the code.


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