
Think Critically

Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically. They are keenly aware of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking when left unchecked. They strive to diminish the power of their egocentric and sociocentric tendencies. They use the intellectual tools that critical thinking offers – concepts and principles that enable them to analyze, assess, and improve thinking. They work diligently to develop the intellectual virtues of intellectual integrity, intellectual humility, intellectual civility, intellectual empathy, intellectual sense of justice and confidence in reason. They realize that no matter how skilled they are as thinkers, they can always improve their reasoning abilities and they will always at times fall prey to mistakes in reasoning, human irrationality, prejudices, biases, distortions

Slowing down made me faster...

One day I was taking my son to school. My car had broken down and we had to trek to his school. I was almost getting late and I saw my neighbour whom  I haven't seen in a long while. That pleasantry took a little longer that I was getting really late. However as soon as I was set to go another parent who was dropping off his daughter in the school just pulled off and picked us. That lift made my journey faster and brought us to the school just in the niche of time. Had it been I did not slow down to greet my friend I would have strolled off in a different route, I would have missed the vehicle and I would have arrived the school late. Now this story might not be the same as yours or might be funny but it intuited me a lesson of value. Sometimes we need to Slow down to arrive on time. How many times has it happened to you that you rushed to do things and you missed it still and when you are gone the thing happened. This is an every day experience for people. As human, sometime

The Real Riches is in your Sacrifice in Love...

Someone asked Bill Gates, Is there any person richer than you? He said, yes, only one. Many years ago, I had been dismissed and I had gone to New York airport. I read titles of newspapers there. I liked one of them and I want to buy it. But I didn't have change (coin). So abandoned the idea, suddenly, a black boy called me and told me, “This newspaper for you.” I said, but I don’t have change. He said, “No problem, I give you free”. After 3 months, I went there. Coincidentally, that story happened again and that same boy gave me another free newspaper again. I said, I can’t accept it. But he said, “I give you from my profit.” After 19 years, I had been rich and I decided to find that boy. I found him after one and half month's search. I asked him, do you know me? He said, “Yes, you’re famous Bill Gates.” I said, you gave me free newspaper 2 times many years ago. Now, I want to compensate it. I am going to give you everything that you want. Black young man replied, “Yo

Use that Data

Oh! Yes, we are in the information age, and the worst insanity is to refuse to use your data. In the modern world data is not a choice but a must. How can you live the 1980s lifestyle in the 2000s?. Every age has its own peculiar characteristics from the stone age, to the civilisation, to the industrial, to the computer and now Information age. Why do you think this age is so called?  because of the tremendous explosion of knowledge and information. Information is power, who ever has it wields power, who ever does not can die deformed. Data is the lifewire of the modern world just as Money is the life wire of any economy. Not having data or not using it is like saying I don't have or use money in the modern economy. Some people hoard data, claiming to preserve it, they switch off their data all the time unconsciously disconnecting themselves from the rich world out there. Oblivious that data should be used to exchange for the immeasurable riches of the internet. Nowadays there

Do your due deligence

Anything done in a hurry is never ever done well. Any successful story must have gone through thorough, meticulous, painstaking process of thinking and planning, including evaluations before being pronounced as success. Same thing. What ever you do, do your due deligence, where ever you are. Are you a student? Before you choose your course of study in a university, do your due deligence, an Applicant?,  before you choose your job, do your due deligence, a Marriage optimist?,  do your due deligence. Want to go into business or trade?, do your due deligence, don't be casual or loose, don't be careless or mindless, don't be deceived, naive or gullible Even in our interpersonal relationships,  before you act or condemn, find out. It is not what or how you feel, it is what you know. Excellence is striving to achieve the highest quality both in the process and in the goal. It involves eternal vigiance and careful calculations. It can never be undermined because its result wi