
Money is in the Street: How to Find Opportunities in Everyday Life.

  1 Entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business; it is a mindset that sees opportunities in everyday life. One of the most important lessons any entrepreneur can learn is that money is in the street. What does this mean? It means that the opportunities for wealth creation are all around us, and we just need to be open to seeing them. The street is where people are, and where value is exchanged. You don't need to look far to find opportunities to create value and make money. The first step is to change your mindset and start looking for opportunities. The key is to be open-minded and creative. One of the best ways to find opportunities is to observe people and their behavior. What problems are people facing? What are their needs and desires? How can you help them solve their problems or fulfill their desires? This is the foundation of any successful business - identifying a need and providing a solution. F or example, let's say you notice that there is a long

When it is Time to Say Goodbye.

1 Min. Read Micheal lost his job 3 months ago and with his job, his little Bus. He was an employee of a Marketing and Distribution Company based in Lagos. He never saw it coming so he never planned for a plan B. As it came suddenly on him like a hurricane wind, Mich lost his hope, faith and hence was discouraged. He was confused now started to live from hand to mount. The universe did not tell him what was waiting at the corner so he was deflated. What Mich did not know was that it was time to say goodbye. Mich still had his trainings because he was a very talented, dedicated, intelligent young man. But he never looked beyond to know that what he needed to begin a life was being handed to him and that he was only a trainee while at The Locust Grove Mean Co. He has all he needs to start a new life but never reckoned with that fact and the light came crashing at this time. Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut and the universe is against you? Like nothing seems to go right, and

Peaceful Hearts.

1 Min. read We are all craving for peace in our lives, yet it seems so elusive in our world today. Whether we like it or not, conflicts and disagreements are inevitable in our daily lives, and this is true for both individuals and nations. However, what makes the difference between a peaceful resolution and one that leads to more conflict is the state of mind of the parties involved. Think about it; how many times have we seen situations where parties involved in a dispute are only focused on winning and not finding a lasting solution? In such instances, emotions often run high, and it becomes impossible to make progress because everyone is only looking out for their interests. In other words, there is no peace in their hearts. It is important to note that peace is not the absence of conflict but rather the ability to manage disagreements without resorting to violence. For this to happen, each party must have peace in their hearts. This means having a genuine desire for justice, equity

The Voice of the Stranger

We all have that voice in our head that whispers doubts, fears, and lies. It’s the voice of the stranger, an energy that seeks to misdirect us out of our destination by misinforming, disinforming or uninforming us. But how can we recognize this voice and avoid being led astray? In John 10:4-5, Jesus tells the story of the shepherd and his sheep. The shepherd knows his sheep and they know him. He calls them by name and they follow him because they recognize his voice. But when a stranger comes, the sheep run away because they do not know his voice. This story teaches us that we need to be familiar with the voice of our keeper and avoid listening to the stranger. Just like sheep, we need to know who is leading us and trust that they have our best interests at heart. We need to cultivate a relationship with our keeper and spend time listening to his voice through prayer, meditation, and reading the Bible. But how do we recognize the voice of the stranger? Personalizing this story, imagine

Fight Powerfully, Albeit Sparingly...

* If you have to stop to fight every opposition on the way, you will never go far. Fighting has been given a bad reputation, but it's not always a bad thing is it? In fact, we are born to fight and equipped to do so. Life is full of oppositions, and the question is, how do we conquer them? The world tells us not to fight, that it's not good, but then it overwhelms us with troubles. So how else are we supposed to survive? Are we supposed to keep trudging through the midst of vicious, dubious, and brutal evil forces that spare us no thought when they come after us? Fighting may not be good, but it helps, delivers, and preserves. The key is to fight sparingly. Not every fight is necessary, as they say, "picking your battles." Fighting can lead to too much devastation if not used in moderation. So, we must fight when there is a need, when not putting up a fight will rob us of our prestige, our pride, our personality, and even our life. We must fight for what is importan