The Voice of the Stranger

We all have that voice in our head that whispers doubts, fears, and lies. It’s the voice of the stranger, an energy that seeks to misdirect us out of our destination by misinforming, disinforming or uninforming us. But how can we recognize this voice and avoid being led astray?

In John 10:4-5, Jesus tells the story of the shepherd and his sheep. The shepherd knows his sheep and they know him. He calls them by name and they follow him because they recognize his voice. But when a stranger comes, the sheep run away because they do not know his voice.

This story teaches us that we need to be familiar with the voice of our keeper and avoid listening to the stranger. Just like sheep, we need to know who is leading us and trust that they have our best interests at heart. We need to cultivate a relationship with our keeper and spend time listening to his voice through prayer, meditation, and reading the Bible.

But how do we recognize the voice of the stranger? Personalizing this story, imagine yourself as one of the sheep. You hear a voice that tells you that you are not good enough, that you will never succeed, or that you should give up. This is the voice of the stranger, the sheep hunter. He wants to lead you astray and make you doubt yourself.

However, you also hear another voice, the voice of your shepherd. He tells you that you are loved, that you have a purpose, and that he will guide you through any challenges. This is the voice of truth, the voice that will lead you to your destination.

As good and responsible followers, we need to choose which voice to listen to. We need to discern the difference between the voice of the stranger and the voice of our keeper. We need to remember that the stranger seeks to misdirect us, while the shepherd seeks to guide and protect us.

We must be familiar with the voice of our keeper and avoid listening to the stranger. We must cultivate a relationship with him and spend time listening to his voice. We must discern the difference between the voice of the stranger and the voice of truth. We must choose to follow the voice of our shepherd and trust that he will lead us to our destination. Crack the code.


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