Peaceful Hearts.

1 Min. read

We are all craving for peace in our lives, yet it seems so elusive in our world today. Whether we like it or not, conflicts and disagreements are inevitable in our daily lives, and this is true for both individuals and nations. However, what makes the difference between a peaceful resolution and one that leads to more conflict is the state of mind of the parties involved.

Think about it; how many times have we seen situations where parties involved in a dispute are only focused on winning and not finding a lasting solution? In such instances, emotions often run high, and it becomes impossible to make progress because everyone is only looking out for their interests. In other words, there is no peace in their hearts.

It is important to note that peace is not the absence of conflict but rather the ability to manage disagreements without resorting to violence. For this to happen, each party must have peace in their hearts. This means having a genuine desire for justice, equity, and fair play. A heart that is not truthful will only block progress towards finding a peaceful solution.

Therefore, we must strive to cultivate peace in our hearts, not just for our personal lives but for the greater good of society. When we have peace in our hearts, we can approach conflicts with an open mind, empathy, and a willingness to compromise. We can seek common ground and work towards finding a solution that benefits everyone involved.

An anecdote that highlights this point is the story of the two monks who came across a lady struggling to cross a river. One of the monks carried her across the river, while the other monk was hesitant because it was against their monastic rules to touch women. Later, the hesitant monk expressed his concern to the other monk, who replied, "I put the lady down on the other side of the river, while you are still carrying her." The lesson here is that sometimes, we need to let go of our rigid beliefs and focus on the greater good.

Let us strive to cultivate peace in our hearts. Let us approach conflicts with an open mind, empathy, and a willingness to compromise. Let us seek common ground and work towards finding a solution that benefits everyone involved. Remember, peace in our hearts is the foundation for peace in our communities, nations, and the world at large. Peace in our hearts 💕 is Peace to our World. Let us rise above the animosities, you are my brother and I am your sister. Let us join hearts together and in one accord, we will cross this path and crack the code.


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