Release the Lion Within

I have watched people over the years, I can only come out with one conclusion. There is a lion in Every man. That lion is the “Spirit of Man“. Some people recognize it, express it and enjoy their lives to the full. Others deny it, suppress it an live in regrets. The man is not the flesh you see, the man is the spirit within, how strong and healthy the body lives is a refection of how strong and healthy the state of his spirit. The spirit of man like a Lion wants always to arise and do. It resists suppression and do not want to be boxed to a corner or reduced to irrelevance. But the environment thinks it as of right to stand against it and stop it.

The society is desperate to define a man. Given the room, they will define you according to their own understanding (which may not necessarily be correct) or their own prejudice . They define you according to their own fear or convenience. They do so either because they want it to be true or because they fear you might be more. They create a mold and force you to conform in disregard for who truly you are.

The spirit of man will never accept to be re-defined and so will revolt. If this battle is not collaborated by the man himself, his spirit can be killed while he is still alife.

Placing a man's spirit in an environment which starves him the food it needs to feed or nurture him with words that takes from him rather than boosts him will either turn him into a bully or a moroon.

A lion can be a living lion or a dead one. Those who has dared to stand up boldly for what they believe. Speak fearlessly and confidently their minds eventualy defeats the fear that is characteristic of the adult world. He has less resistance especially if he speaks the truth. In loosing his life, he finds it. It will attract hatred but ultimately you will win.

You have so much more bottled up inside of you and you are afraid of letting out, that is the cause of your frustration and unhappiness. To be happy, you must set your spirit free. You and only you have the power and right to release the Lion in you, crack that code.


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