The dark areas of our lives

The dark areas of our lives are those areas which we do not want out there in the public. It includes our past shame and inefficiencies. It occurs in people of all ages, both children, youths, and adults. Positively it's also those Areas of our lives which people don't see but which often is the powerhouse of our success today. Like those boring things we do in the secret which people do not get to see often but which actually generates our successes - like your study and deep meditation/prayer time.  The negative dark areas has occurred and never need to continue to occur. We have, I hope learned the lesson there in but then its time to drop them for the light.

Dark areas for some of you, is smoking cigarettes, marijuana, coke etc, for other it is women and/or men, for yet another, it is gambling, for anothers, its crime.

Dark areas can also be the intangibles, like negative stubbornness, unteachable spirit, wrong arguements, anger, pride, superiority complex, inferiority complex, unforgiving spirit, malice, lies, depression, lack of confidence, lack of boldness, fear, avaries, those little secrets or mistakes of the past,  jealousy, envy, lack of good communication and interpersonal skill, lack of managerial skills. Some of these dark sides are active (that is we take the action - eg smoking) others are passive like depression.

The solution to dark areas lies in our determination to change our destiny. The power of choice which the almighty has embued us with guarantees our ability to reform or reinvent our lives.  These dark areas are the reason why we are stucked in the journey of life, their purpose and mission is nothing but failed destiny.  If we allow it, they will sure bock us from reaching our greatest potentials. Through out history, they have stopped many great men and they will today, if you let them.

Change gear to the positive dark areas and dwell there. Spend time in your closet praying and studying. Spent your time and money building capacity, go to school, attend seminars,  conferences, and training.  Build yoursef up. What ever you commit your time shows who you are and who you will become. Network with likeminds, peope who are going your direction and dream. Then hope for tomorrow. As long as you remain resolute in your committment to self deveopment, you will continue to see it manifest daily in the events around you. Is it not said that when opportunity meats preparation, success is born?

Go ahead drop your negative dark side for the positive and hope the future smiles at you. Crack the code


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