The crave for gifts


So..., what's the best gift you've received today? 

People get different gifts from different people on their special days. Birthday, graduation day, wedding, promotion, award, anniversary, name them.  

Gift giving has assumed an accepted norm in our society and the crave inexaustible. 

Gifts helps to create, build and maintain relationships. They are used to cement or promote actions. It attracts favour and ultimately open doors. Gifts demonstrate love and affection towards an object, a person, or an interest. It registers the name of the giver in the heart of the receiver.

Gifts are statements written beyond words. The giver better examine his motive before giving them. A gift whose intention is not immediately apparent can easily be misinterpreted. For example, a simple gift from a young man whose reason is not clear could be misunderstood by a lady as an attempt to woo her. A gift from an officer might be viewed as a bride to obtain a preferential treatment over others. When gifts are misinterpreted, it produces the opposite effect of suspicion or resentment.

People appreciates gifts more when it aligns with their immediate desire or need. It is therefore smart that the giver finds out what the recipient needs at the time. 

He may opt to find out from the reciever himself. If that will kill the element of surprise which is always characterised by joy and excitement, it may be smart to find out from the people close to him or from people associated with the circumstances of the receiver what kind of gifts they desire during such occasions. The giver may also study the peculiar circumstances sorrounding the receiver. That can suggest the kind of gifts he will like. For instance, is he old, young, married, divorced, widowed, retired, etc.

People appreciate gifts during special occasion but that is not the only time to offer gifts. Ideally gifts are supposed to be given as a demonstration of love and care. If it is so done, gifts given at any other time other than during occasions produces the same effect of joy to both the giver and the recipient. 

The best judgement for the real value of a gift can be deduced from the level of impression it made on the receipt not the cost of the gift or effort made by the giver. People value things based on their growth stage and circumstances sorrounding them. For example, a grand parent may value the gift of a visit from his children and grand children while a parent would value the gift of a good performance from their children in school. While Someone may value a car, a house or a position as a gift, another may value the intangibles as a worthy gift. 

Some gifts are trap, some are snares and others undermine your value. They are no gifts, only the giver is pretending to be giving a gift. That is why even the receiver of gifts should be careful while accepting gifts. Some givers have ulterior intentions for giving. They may be offering you a gift as a currency to buy your will, conscience and freedom. Such people will see your rejection as an offence, an affront and a lay down. They can react surprisingly funny when you decline to accept their gifts. You may even begin to see a negative trend of relationship with you after such encounter. It is a sign that their gifts are not with clean mind. 

It should be borne in mind that gifts are meant to help us share in love and sacrifice to each other, it is no longer gifts if conditions are attached both expressed, implied or impressed. Gifts are here to help us reach out to one another in a mutually beneficial way. It therefore should not put both the giver or the receiver under any kind of pressure or coercion to do. Gifts should also honour the right of both parties to either accept or reject gifts. There is not hard and fast rules on what, how, where, when, or whom a gifts should be given. Every giver should give according to the capacity of his heart or pocket. 

Until we come to a point where the giver and the receiver of gifts understand their roles as far as gifts are concerned, then will we be able to crack the code of obsession for gifts in our society. Crack the code.


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