
A fool has said in his heart, there is no God

I am not referring  to the atheist who delude himself in a bid to escape the guilt of moral misconduct or as a way to evade his responsibility to a moral God assumed that there is no God. I am talking to a people in this part of the world whether you are a Christian,  a Muslim or a pegan who believes in the existence of one supreme God who is the creator of mankind and the universe. Nevertheless these people deny God everyday of their lives both in their conduct, in their belief system and in their character. They oppress the poor and the weak, punish their victims heartlessly and deny them their rights. In authority we manipulate people, setting people against each other and syphone their resources. In our little cacoons, we oppress those whose lives and future depends on us. We care less  whether they survived or not , we show all kinds of wickedness, in our conscious minds, we deny that God exits. We embrace a man-made cause, a man-invented ideology, and in the process,

Help your brain

The brain is the busiest part of the human body. It needs help. That is why you have books, paper, pen, and any other writing materials. When the brain gets very busy, it could easily be cloaked up by various kinds of thoughts especially the negatives. When that happens, it becomes extremely slow with the possibility to shut down entirely. The brain has capacity. Too much thoughts tends to eat up that capacity. It clouds and clusters it making it loose effectiveness. To help the brain retain its optimum performance, there is need to de-cluster it of excessive noise and negativities. Negativities like worries, fear, anxiety, draw the mind in anticlockwise direction instead creating frustration, confusion, nervousness etc. Write it down One way to help the brain is to decongest or offload the brain on regular basis. You could do that by the use of your hands as a release agent or medium by writing them down. Anytime you feel your head is overloaded, simply pick up your pen and p

Pretend your enemy does not exist

Everyone has got an enemy but the worst you can do is let him win. Let you enemy remain your enemy if he chooses to but do not be an enemy back. Focusing on your enemies will sap you of your inert energy and will distract you. Keep your focus on your goals. Your attention is life and anything that has it lives and grows even stronger and anything that lacks your attention lacks life and will in the same way grow weaker and die.  Your enemy will fade away naturally when he discovers that you do not belong to the same class with him. Then your huge success must have become obvious to him. Be careful not to reward your enemy with a cheap point by giving him your costly attention. Go on carry on as if he does not even exist for he is not present except in your own imagination. Sometimes that person may even turn around to become your friend.  Life is too short to waste on senseless things. You can neither add another person's age to yours nor give yours to him,  if your enemy wants

Free your head.

sound mind equals good health  and vise versa. Some people cloak their head with very many things that it begins to weigh on them. The prevalence of high blood pressure and various diseases in our society today owe their genesis to this Our head has capacity to multitask, however it can only focus on one thing at a time. Trying to get your hands on many things at the same time is not just suicidal but also unproductive and to be a servant of all is to be a master of none Take it easy with life. Find time to ease off, recreate and relive sweet memories, calm the head. The human brain has capacity.  Over loading it is tantamount to destroying it. Take a chunk at a time and face only one thing until you succeed, then you can branch off to other things but maintain one thing at the beggining until you perfect. There is enough time and enough space for creativity. Everyone is bound to make away for a creative mind. There is nothing like; there is “ No Road" when a creative ma

Making money or ...loosing money?

What it takes to make money is the same as what it takes in living our normal life-Offering services or products. What is missing is the Conversion and the Focus. By Conversion I mean, do you recognise that those activities you do can earn you money simply by recognising their values, attaching relevant monetary figures to it and demanding such in return for them. By Focus, I mean, what is the direction of your mindset in terms of the values you dispense. If you give out most of your services or products for free without specific and concrete plan to regain it back, you will surely end up poor. Unfortunately, we live in a culture where  people expect you to give everything out for free to every other person. They may forgive you if you are charging others for services rendered but you are in trouble if they are the victim. Its even worst if you are a graduate where they believe you have a better life than themselves even when you don't have a job yet. The non graduate tech