
Do your due deligence

Anything done in a hurry is never ever done well. Any successful story must have gone through thorough, meticulous, painstaking process of thinking and planning, including evaluations before being pronounced as success. Same thing. What ever you do, do your due deligence, where ever you are. Are you a student? Before you choose your course of study in a university, do your due deligence, an Applicant?,  before you choose your job, do your due deligence, a Marriage optimist?,  do your due deligence. Want to go into business or trade?, do your due deligence, don't be casual or loose, don't be careless or mindless, don't be deceived, naive or gullible Even in our interpersonal relationships,  before you act or condemn, find out. It is not what or how you feel, it is what you know. Excellence is striving to achieve the highest quality both in the process and in the goal. It involves eternal vigiance and careful calculations. It can never be undermined because its result wi

Get Noticed

You could never get rich and not get noticed. If that is the case why do you then fear getting noticed. You can choose to be humble and grow but you will see there is a misnomer when you are eventually grown. You will experience some frustrations that will not allow you to enjoy the life you have created. But if you chose to be what you want to become now before you get there, when you eventually get there you will see it fits very well. Our spirits are higher and greater than life itself, in fact it advances beyond life. One who has allowed life to restrict him in life is one who is consigned to regrets hereafter for our spirit is greater than all these things yet all these things feed our spirit to grow stronger. He who stunts his spirit by feeding him with negatives will also stunt his joy. In the first place you are created visible by the greatest power there is. He also made you a creation who can procreate, not a robbot. Everyone was created by the same person - God equally,

Everything happen in a Relationship

Relationship is a mine field. It is pregnant with unlimited possibilities. Relationship is like  a farmland where everything you plant can grow and nurture. When it matures it brings forth fruits and maintain the farmer for a long time. Many people wants to get results from associates directly without going through the process of relationship. Such transactions does not succeed or at best do not last because they do not go through the right channels You see, people are more than what you just see on the outside.  That person you are looking at is more than what you see. He has values, he has ethics, he has a belief system and he has unique features that differentiates him from every other person on the street. He desire to be accepted but more importantly he desires to be learned, understood and followed according to accepted principles. He does not want to be badged or controlled. And he is correct,  God made him so.  Do not think you can just have him give you every thing you

The dark areas of our lives

The dark areas of our lives are those areas which we do not want out there in the public. It includes our past shame and inefficiencies. It occurs in people of all ages, both children, youths, and adults. Positively it's also those Areas of our lives which people don't see but which often is the powerhouse of our success today. Like those boring things we do in the secret which people do not get to see often but which actually generates our successes - like your study and deep meditation/prayer time.  The negative dark areas has occurred and never need to continue to occur. We have, I hope learned the lesson there in but then its time to drop them for the light. Dark areas for some of you, is smoking cigarettes, marijuana, coke etc, for other it is women and/or men, for yet another, it is gambling, for anothers, its crime. Dark areas can also be the intangibles, like negative stubbornness, unteachable spirit, wrong arguements, anger, pride, superiority complex, inferiorit

24 hours is Enough

Before the creator approved 24 hours to make a full day, he already knew it is enough. You need to work, you need to play and you also need to rest. He knows the capacity of the human body and knows how long it needs to re-corporate.   How long it will take it to break down.  All these he factored into a full day it wasn't just an accident or a declaration “let there be light and let the light be separated from darkness that brought about a full day, it was intelligence beyond judgement. What ever you need to do and with a good planning, decipline and priorities  can be accomplished within a day. What ever is not accommodated in a day can be done on the following.  Any thing that can not be accomplished in a day is bigger than a day and baring any form of laziness should be treated as such. The richest man on earth has only 24hours, the president of countries has only 24hours, great men and women of yesteryears who achieved record success had all 24hours in a day. So there i