
Ask the question

So what? Did he put the knife on your throat? Some people sit around for donkey years because they couldn't get past through a barrier that got them stuck. The fear of failure is a giant that confronts everybody especially at the turn of the age. Oh! I should have learned these when I was a little younger, when I was a little naive, when people will excuse me and say “but he is only a child,  he is only a student“ now wont they laugh at me? Won't they ask, “where have you been? bla bla bla.  Cut the crap, ask that question! Every body is at various ends of the thread and none knows it all.  All face the same challenge everyday and its so common to everyone. To  stop yourself because of the other person is to willfully harm yourself.  Failure is not an end, it is part of the sucesss and successful stories are not compete wthout a chapter of failures.  Don't limit yourself by refusing to ask the question. Those who laugh at you today will laugh with you tomorrow. Peopl

The Hard Work and The Smart Work

Sometimes it is not really what we do that counts; it is how we do them. The wisdom that goes into it. Same task but how we do them marks off whether what we did is hard work or smart work. The question to ask is, are my actions focused on my objective.  Without a clear understanding of the purpose, a mission will be derailed, abused and frustrated.  Hard work is like doing the knowledge you have, smart work is using the wisdom you have.  The two can never get the same result. For example pushing the caterpillar is hard work but using a crane is smart work. Doing the work by your self is hard work but doing it through someone else is smart work.  Doing all the work is hard work but doing only important, relevant and necessary ones is smart work. Hard work steals your time, drains your energy and gets you little accomplished. Smart work saves you time, energy, gives you speed, sets you at an advantage, gives you an edge over your companions and attracts you favour. Most of the thi

Mine your scripture

The Scriptures are the breath of God. By breath we mean the inspiration or if you like the motivation infused by God on the people who took part in a an event that has spiritual or eternal significant. God moved them to put down their personal and collective experiences in a documented  or oral format what the authors are direct participants or saw in a dream or revelation or to put down their own understanding which in many respects correlate with accuracy and excellence. In the Christian Bible, the scriptures are the old testament which contains the history, the laws and the prophets. The new testament are not the scriptures, they are the explanations or revelation of the scriptures. In the muslim religion, the Qur'an is the scripture while the hadith is the explanations  of the Qur'an. In the traditional religion, the scriptures are contained in the words and messages from the gods passed down from  one generation to the next. All major religion of the world has a scr

How do you use your time

This generation is busier than any other generation in the last ten hundred years. How do you use your time. Being too busy does not equate to being productive. Are you being productive? Or are you just stuffed with all kinds of stuff that milk you or drains you or sap you. This morning, how have you spent your time. The way you started your day will show in the way you end it. Handling your time carelessly is a mistake because you can't always have it. This second is gone, so is this minute, this hour and this day. Yesterday is gone forever and so on. Even if you have another opportunity, that does not mean that time is back. This morning you ought to have prayed, planned, done your morning routine and left for your duty. In your youth what have you done about your future. Have you sat down so that time will fly or are you spending your time preparing for the future. That book you need to read to shade light into your path, have you read them? That training you need to get, thos

Release the Lion Within

I have watched people over the years, I can only come out with one conclusion. There is a lion in Every man. That lion is the “Spirit of Man“. Some people recognize it, express it and enjoy their lives to the full. Others deny it, suppress it an live in regrets. The man is not the flesh you see, the man is the spirit within, how strong and healthy the body lives is a refection of how strong and healthy the state of his spirit. The spirit of man like a Lion wants always to arise and do. It resists suppression and do not want to be boxed to a corner or reduced to irrelevance. But the environment thinks it as of right to stand against it and stop it. The society is desperate to define a man. Given the room, they will define you according to their own understanding (which may not necessarily be correct) or their own prejudice . They define you according to their own fear or convenience. They do so either because they want it to be true or because they fear you might be more. They crea